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Learn environmental science

How do humans interact with and impact the environment? What natural phenomena play important roles in those interactions? Environmental science helps answer these questions and more.

What is environmental science?

Environmental science applies a variety of principles from biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and other sciences to the study of the environment. The information that is gathered through research can be used to determine cause-and-effect relationships and develop solutions for environmental issues, such as local water sanitation. Researchers regularly take water samples and study them to ensure that they are safe for public consumption. They must also understand how any changes to the water treatment process may impact other environmental factors, such as wastewater and runoff.

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Why is environmental science important?

From waste management to home gardening, everything humans do has an effect on the world around them. Environmental scientists aim to uncover how peoples’ actions can influence natural changes, and vice versa. Consider how humans access and use gasoline. Oil drilling bores into the earth, which can disrupt surrounding ecosystems. After it’s been converted into usable fuel, vehicular emissions are released, impacting the atmosphere and its functions.

As society continues to advance, its impact on the environment will evolve. By studying the various relationships between humans and nature, scientists can help protect the environment and the human race.

Environmental science courses and curriculum

Environmental biology courses may cover topics such as climate change, global warming, carbon footprint reduction, climate engineering, and renewable energy. Employers may want to see environmental science knowledge applied, so supplementing your studies with field work can help you stand out. Additionally, topic-specific certificates can serve as proof of your skills. Explore the range of learning opportunities that edX has to offer in this field.

Careers in environmental science

Working in environmental science can be rewarding for professionals who want to make a tangible impact on the future of the world. Whether you want to pursue a career as an oceanographer studying how to protect threatened marine ecosystems or as a solar engineer developing new ways to power houses and buildings, there are plenty of pressing problems that need environmental scientists’ expertise. Explore how online courses in environmental science can advance your career and begin your learning journey today with edX.

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